Helping Men

Get Love, Sex & A Kick Ass Relationship 

“I can never make her happy.”
“We rarely have sex.”
“I don’t know who I am with her anymore.”

Are you saying these words to yourself?

If so, you’re not alone. And you’ve come to the right place.

I’ve heard these words from many men during 15 years of coaching men in relationship. For years as a married man, those were my words as well.

What’s a guy to do?

Often he tries traditional approaches to try to improve his relationship, only to end up more frustrated than before.

Therapy falls short for many men…

because it’s heavy on talking and light on doing and does not offer a man a clear roadmap of progress and implementation to improve his relationship. 

Traditional couples counseling often fails a man…

because it focuses on short-term fixes instead of going directly to the broken bones of the relationship. 

I offer something uniquely geared to men.

An approach that doesn’t just focus on the problems but puts you in a position as a man to be your most confident and bold self to create what you want with your partner.  I honor a man’s desire for action, to get him clear payoffs and progress in his relationship.

Men need an approach to relationship that…

demystifies relationship, so it’s not so confusing and intimidating. A way forward that is a source of confidence and power for him.

My work is unique to each man.

I focus on getting you results to get love, sex, and the kick ass relationship that you deserve.

Learn More About Coaching

Shoot Me A Quick Email

Or Check out some of my videos below 

Should You SAVE or LEAVE your marriage? free guide

Should You SAVE or LEAVE your marriage??
Download this FREE Guide to help!

A Man's Guide To Kick-Ass Marriage

A Man’s Guide To A Kick-Ass Marriage
Download this FREE Guide to help!

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Stuart doesn’t just coach. He walks his talk. As a chaplain I’m aware that any coach or therapist can only take others as far as they have gone themselves.  It is evident how he has done tremendous work on himself, … Read more


Stuart helped me uncover parts of myself that were preventing me from getting the most out of my life and my marriage. I came away with clear action items to step into action to achieve success in those areas.

Dwight CooperCEO

Stuart’s program was insightful and very unique.  The tools he provided and coached me through created a depth of understanding who and what I am that was very powerful.

Lon SearsCEO
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