
#1 Thing Wives Do That Drives Men Crazy

“She does it all the time. Makes me feel bad for what I didn’t do or how I don’t show up.”

Joel says these words about his wife. He’s an eight-figure entrepreneur who doesn’t have these problems at work.

The problem is that at home Joel falls prey to his wife’s tactics. He justifies it, wanting to be a better man for her.

“And yet somewhere in my stomach, I get this knot that says it’s not OK the way she talks to me”

Does your wife talk to you in a condescending way?

Maybe like Joel, you feel like you’re stuck between wanting to do good for your wife AND feeling like she’s trying to pull your strings.

This is the number one thing women do that drives men crazy.

And not as in hot sexual crazy, but as in frustrated and confused crazy.

In the video below I talk about what wives do that drive men crazy and how to change it.

Anytime she says things that have you feeling like she’s trying to pull your strings, it is happening.

And that “it” is… simply put, manipulation.

Manipulation is trying to get you to act a certain way by guilting, inferring, or tearing you down.

Often, we don’t see it because she’s not even aware she’s doing it. This is called unconscious manipulation.

“She just wants me to be a better man,” Joel said initially.

“Fine,” I said. “Now she needs to be explicit with you with what that means and not just imply things.”

The opposite of manipulation is your wife directly asking for what she wants.

And the best thing you can do to help her with this is to call her out when she’s not doing it.

After 2 months of coaching, Joel did just that.

He said to his wife, “Love, I hear you’re upset that I forgot to take out the trash last night. Telling me you can’t trust me doesn’t help. Instead, tell me what you want moving forward and why it’s important to you.”

Develop your samurai powers to see manipulation clearly.

Regain your power and cut through her shadowy tactics to control you, in service to improving your marriage.

Stop manipulation in your marriage or relationship right now. Shoot me a quick email.

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