
Bigger or Smaller – How You Feel With Her

Are you the guy who feels horrible when your partner says – “you’re just not open” or “you’re so checked out”?

If you’re anything like me, you really take it to heart. You consider how you can show up better. The good news is you care.

The bad news is you may forget to look at her, as well. Until you do, you can’t really know what your work is.

Consider the two women below. Which is she?

One woman has space for all of you.
The other woman has space for little.

One woman helps you notice when you’re not at your best.
The other woman constantly complains about it.

One woman sees your gifts and deficits.
The other only sees herself.

One pushes you to be your authentic you.
The other pushes you to be what she wants you to be.

One energizes you.
The other depletes you.

One takes care of herself.
The other berates you for not taking care of her.

One has a core resonance that lights you up.
The other believes you must light her up.

One sees endless opportunities in your love.
The other sees only the deficits.

One sees conflict as meaningful engagement.
The other sees it as your fault.

One has energy for you.
The other does not.

One makes your world feel bigger.

And the other…. you guessed it… smaller.

Which woman are you with? Which woman do you seek?

​​​​​​​Do you know of another man who could benefit from reading this? Please share with him today.

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