Tag: Marriage advice for men

What’s Your Soul Asking Of You In Your Relationship?

Rick was like many of my clients. A high-achieving executive, he crushed it at work but at home all his skills and talents fell flat. His marriage was floundering and his wife was unhappy. Do you get more validation at work than from your wife? If you do, it would make sense that you might be avoidant at home. Such […]

What's Your Soul Asking Of You In Your Relationship
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Use Your Anger Or Shame To Create A Better Relationship

Tony’s been married for 12 years. He’s lost his identity in his relationship. “Some days, I just want to hit the eject button. To just get out of this mess I’m in.” Tony doesn’t understand how he’s landed at the age of 46 into a functional life – work, pay the bills, take care of the kids – and a […]

Use Your Anger Or Shame To Create A Better Relationship
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